08/23/2024 Update: I am currently in hospital, I was admitted on August 13th. I was diagnosed with a blood infection. As a result, my heart function was compromised. Once they got my infection under control, the doctors transferred me to the rehabilitation unit of the hospital. Physical therapy and occupational therapy will help build my strength.

 09/10/2024 Update: While I was getting physical and occupational therapy to help me get my strength back from the nasty blood infection. The docs could not figure out why I was not getting stronger; I had full-body muscle spasms and balance issues, weakness affecting my entire body, and uncontrollable pain. MRI I had Indicted a bigger problem that explained my symptoms perfectly. A large section of my cervical spine was calcified and weakened to a point. Where if I fell. I could have gotten paralyzed and not even known it until it was too late. Just a reminder to all, don't ever overlook symptoms. Consequently, I had to have surgery immediately. I am finally lucid enough to post this update. Pain has been excruciating beyond what I normally experience. Grateful to have made it through surgery, and to actually survive surgery.

10/01/2024 Update: I am finally home from the hospital. I got discharged on 09/28/2024 after almost 7 weeks in the hospital. Grateful to all the doctors, nurses, and therapy staff for their care and support. Love to all. Regards Vish

My Story

The last twenty-one years of my life compelled me to overcome many obstacles and challenges. I am lucky to be alive. Early in the spring of 2003, I fell ill with an abdominal infection that proved complicated for doctors to treat. The same infection attacked my gallbladder, which caused it to get inflamed. As a result, the doctors had to remove it. That was when my nightmare began. What was supposed to be a routine gallbladder surgery turned out to be a life-and-death situation for me. I suffered serious complications after the surgery, so I faced multi-organ failure and two strokes and I began slipping away. I was transferred to a much larger hospital, where I found myself fighting for my life. My doctors once placed me on the heart transplant list, and as I lay there in the Cardiac ICU, I began to wonder, "Is this the end for me?” It seemed like all my wishes and dreams would never materialize, and the only hope I had, if any, was to try my best and fight to live. I spent three long months not knowing whether I was going to live or die. 

I am not sure whether it was modern medicine or mere divine intervention that my organs began to bounce back, except for my heart. Even though I was still on the heart transplant list, my doctors were optimistic that, in time, my heart would also get stronger. This great news bestowed upon me a new lease on life, and I now found myself with a second chance at life, and with a greater appreciation for life itself. My experiences with facing death and living to talk about it have definitely made me a much more empathetic and understanding person. I realized that my entire perspective of life had now changed, and after I spent a couple of years getting much stronger and had enough time to reflect on what had happened to me, I decided to go back to college and continue with my education. Despite facing many setbacks along the way, it did not deter me from achieving my goals. My number one goal was to beat the odds against me. I was focused on setting realistic, attainable goals. I also kept in mind the limitations my health placed upon me. 

Over the years, I have shared my story with other students to help inspire them. My love for helping other students was due to so many faculty and staff who helped me over the years. They saw something in me that, at the time, I didn't even notice. They have continued to encourage me to further my education, and to be honest, I must admit, I found studying very therapeutic. If it were not for a few people, I would not have taken this educational journey, this was my way of paying it forward to those who have supported me over the years. My goal was to help inspire and bring about positive change in people’s lives for the better, by sharing my thoughts and experiences. I had the internal strength to face my adversities and the will to persevere. I believe one of my greatest assets that enabled me to achieve my goals, was my natural ability to inspire and motivate others to overcome the obstacles and challenges that they may face. My strength comes from my determination, while my weakness is in letting my health dictate my future. I chose not to give up on my life. The person I am today is the result of what I have learned in life and all aspects of my life. I have crossed paths with many people over the years, with each bestowing me the guidance and knowledge I gained. My growth and progress are a testament to my dedication and determination to overcome the obstacles with which I am faced. My dreams give me hope, while my courage gives me strength, and together with dedication, I will succeed. So, I am awaiting my future and whatever success it brings.


I also have a YouTube channel, where you can find videos related to my blog and much more. Please use the icon link below to visit my channel. If you are viewing my blog via a mobile device, you can access my THOUGHTS AND INSPIRATIONS by clicking on the menu icon on the top right. If you find that my blog is interesting and inspiring, please share it with family and friends.

Much appreciated



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PHIL Special Meter
4 months ago

Vishnu mentored my older brother and gave him something he never had before... an older brother. So, the undeniably positive impact Vishnu had on him was shared with me both indirectly and eventually directly upon meeting the man himself. Vishnu is an invaluable asset to the human race. Helping others find what he found; A more refined sense of self, a deeper well of healing empathy, a healthy support system, and greater appreciation for life. If you read this blog or speak to this man, you'll gain something you can use.

10 months ago


Kevin Munsami
a year ago

How's it bru. Hope you are doing well. You are truly an amazing and incredibly inspiring person. Take care brother

a year ago

Hey Vishnu
I am inspired by how you have used your pain and journey navigating these health and life challenges, to help others. Thank you for giving off yourself and penning tour thoughts on your blog. Keep on keeping on!
PS: my take is that it was divine intervention that kept you here to fulfil your purpose.

Ilana Bond
a year ago

i am proud that he found courage and kindness through all the depths. we have to find the light in all things, and let God continue on his journey through him. he inspired me a lot when i have depression. and it helped me a lot.

Ray DeVone
a year ago

Vishnu's wisdom, positivity, and determination has been a huge benefit to me as I have battled through my own journey with chronic illness.
It's spectacular that he is using this platform and his life experiences to help others.

Diresh " Gosh " Naidoo
a year ago

Hello Brother
You are an inspiration to all of us. Keep doing, what you doing, for this is the spirit of the South African " uBuntu "...People like you, give us hope !

Love you
Your cousin from South Africa

Charmaine Kizy
a year ago

Hi Vishnu
I'm so inspired by you and your story. I am thrilled you have decided to share it and looking forward to your weekly updates.
Nobody can tell you what time you have left on this earth. Devine intervention is nothing new. You are worthy.
Love you brother.

a year ago

Your dedication and drive to not give up and pursue more of life is admirable and encouraging. Keep on fighting the good fight. God makes all things work together for the good of his children. Your life has already touched and inspired many, who will go on to inspire others.

Jessica Lizardi
a year ago

One of the best people I know! Love this blog and you!