
When we are determined to accomplish our goals in life, we must channel a path of hard work and grit, which will catapult our determination to achieve success. Along that journey, you will have to overcome many challenges and barriers that can impede your progress. It is important to be strong and steadfast and stand up for yourself and against your naysayers by proving them wrong. Part of success is being decisive and resolute in your endeavors, helping achieve your goals regardless of any limitations you may face. Once you give up, your mindset negatively changes, and you begin to lose focus on what you set out to achieve. When you have a positive mindset and an optimistic outlook, your determination works in your favor. Then it enables you to work towards your goals.  Trying to accomplish anything can be difficult, since you may face many obstacles and challenges that can prevent you from achieving anything. I have learned that it is profoundly helpful that you set realistic, attainable goals and work towards accomplishing them. When you set realistic, attainable goals, it gives purpose and direction to have an incentive to work towards. A determined person is driven by the possibilities of success and the accomplishment of their goals. My mentor reminded me that it takes time and effort. This holds true if you are willing to invest in yourself.

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Have you experienced hopelessness at some point in life? A feeling of despair, a simple lack of hope for your future. Many people go through this at some point in their life. Some of us tackle it with ease, while others struggle to cope with stress and anxiety. Whether it is caused by loss, tragedy, failure, illness, relationship breakdowns, or job loss, most of these events are not in our control, nor do we have a magic wand to wish them away.  We have to cope as best we can and live through it. Outcomes might vary from person to person, especially regarding steps taken to remedy their individual circumstances. Even though there are both healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms to help alleviate your hopelessness,  the latter will no doubt complicate matters and worsen your grief. At times, you may feel that you are fighting an ongoing battle with yourself and the world. Once you become overwhelmed with stress and anxiety, depression can eventually settle in and further complicate your goals for feeling better. Nonetheless, you can still win the battle and become hopeful again. Trying your best to remain hopeful, regardless of how grim your situation may be, is vital for your inner sanctity. The obstacles and challenges you face may be monstrous and can make you feel helpless, leading to hopelessness. It is within your power to rectify and remedy the situation, so you can focus your attention on achieving the best outcome for yourself. I always believe that giving up is not an option, it has helped me fight my battles like an avenger is within me.

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Stress and Anxiety

We all experience stress and anxiety, some more than others. When left untreated, a person can get overwhelmed by their symptoms, which eventually leads to depression. Stress and anxiety can creep up on you when you least expect it. The subtle frustrations of daily tasks can cause frustration and anger. We all experience it from time to time, and the impact it has on personal well-being may not necessarily be felt immediately. Gradually, your behavior will change, and eventually, it will impact your relationships with family and friends. Stress and anxiety have a detrimental impact on family and friends and can be overwhelming while trying to understand and comprehend how this is possible or why a family member or friend does that. The pain of mental illnesses often impedes the sanity of those affected, and their extended family and friends. The physiological and psychological impact of stress and anxiety can have a detrimental effect on overall health when left untreated. Stress and anxiety are a constant; keeping them at bay is sometimes overwhelming and makes eventual depression difficult to escape. As a society, we are flawed in so many ways, yet we can rise to the occasion when needed. It takes educating and informing oneself about the obstacles and challenges mental health issues create. Ignoring the problems does not necessarily get rid of the problem, and ignorance only hides the truth that we fail to accept.

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Support System

A strong support system is vital for everyone, especially when you suffer from chronic illness and disability. Your support system is your medical team, family, friends, and mentors.  The right people at the right moment can make a huge difference in a person's life. Never underestimate the role individuals play as part of your support system. Everyone needs guidance and direction, wisdom and hope, encouragement and motivation, empathy and understanding, love and support. They can be a pillar of strength when you need it the most, and sometimes when you least expect it. We all need the support of loved ones, and sometimes, when you are sick, it can give the lift and encouragement you need to persevere. Simple words of encouragement can turn a bad day into a good day. A strong support system is like battle armor; it helps you get through the battles you face. Most people never realize the benefits of support because they may have never needed it. Unlike those who face overwhelming challenges due to health and disability,  their support system is the cheering squad, well-wishers, and uplifters. Even if you are not sick, a support system proves beneficial, especially on days when you feel down and lost. Consider your support system, your encouragers, and your pillars that give you the boost when you need it the most.

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Realistic Goals

At the beginning of each new year, society continues the recycling of New Year's resolutions. People are entrapped by marketing ploys to help you get in shape, take on new projects, or even coerced into spending more than you have. In some instances, it leads to failed attempts to accomplish anything tangible. Society's gullible minions fall for it every year. Some people may have reasonable successes, while others revert to a lifestyle that is their comfort zone. Change is never easy, especially if you lack the motivation or the determination to succeed. Whether it's weight loss, going back to school, starting a business, or quitting a bad habit. Trying to accomplish anything can be difficult, since you may face many obstacles and challenges that can prevent you from achieving anything. I have learned that it is profoundly helpful that you set realistic, attainable goals and work towards accomplishing them. Everything takes time and effort, and it does not happen in a short period. It takes hard work, strong unwavering support, and determination to achieve your goals. Seek help and guidance when you need it, do your research, and learn as much as you can. When done right, your rewards are truly meaningful. As you make strides, you gain insight into your capabilities. Mistakes will happen, and failure is not the end; learn from it and don't give up.

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As a society, we face limitations all the time due to ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, health, or disability.  The barriers faced by many are no fault of their own, merely deeply rooted in history and the evolving times we are living in.  Changes are evident, but not equitable enough to create a level playing field for all. Limitations that individuals face may vary from person to person, some brought on by society, while most are the limitations an individual places on themselves. Overcoming these limitations is no doubt challenging since barriers faced by individuals can be both overwhelming and exhausting. Sometimes, we lack the motivation or fail to take the initiative to seek or create opportunities for ourselves. Maybe it is mere individual complacency that creates an atmosphere of hopelessness, limiting us from seeking our true potential. Often the lack of motivation creates self-doubt, where you are likely not willing to take initiative to achieve your goals. Remember, doubt can derail your journey, so why give in to that? It is ok to question your actions and postulate the directions you take in life. We must create the foundation for our success by tapping into our inner potential and overcoming any limitations placed on us or by ourselves. The individual limitations that we place upon ourselves create many barriers that impact trauma, addiction, illness, a job, financial issues, marriage, friendship, a new relationship, etc. 

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The family structure and support system have changed in so many dimensions in recent decades. New family dynamics have developed in society that have encouraged some people to move towards wanting to be single and postponing marriage to a later date. People are choosing to have fewer children, single-parent households are increasing, there are higher divorce rates, more gay and lesbian parents,  and even fewer caregivers for aging adults. As these changes evolve, the psychological well-being of those involved should be taken into consideration. Even if the fundamental basis of a family support system changes and adapts to a newer generation, the growth of the family structure should not be neglected in any way. While families may change and grow to adapt to the modern world, society will still be on a path of destruction if they do not support, encourage, and respect the changes in the family system. Many factors have influenced family values and beliefs across numerous cultures. Changes in socioeconomic status, marriage, divorce, and types of relationships have played a vital role in changing the family. Considering there is so much that creates and sustains a family, although it takes so little to destroy the family.

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What makes us human? Is it the fact we walk upright? Maybe it is our behavior that sets us apart from other species. I wonder sometimes why animals tend to behave better than humans. As humans, our behavioral traits do set us apart and sometimes can lead to our downfall. I have always believed that we all have what I call the components of humanness. These are compassion, humility, kindness, empathy, and understanding. One of the most important components of humanness is compassion, our ability to have sympathy or concern for others. Understanding and empathizing with our fellow humans grounds us as individuals, and teaches us humility. Humility lets our humbleness shine through and allows us to live a life not constrained by pride. Our ability to show kindness without restrictions to be considerate to others is no doubt an indication of our generosity to mankind. The willingness to be generous is not confined by how much we give to charity. It can simply be the time spent with those we love, causes we volunteer for, or just mentoring and providing the appropriate guidance and direction to someone. As human beings, if we can not empathize with others, we are just simply lost souls without cause to exist. The ability to relate to or share the feelings of others is simply the basis of our humanness.

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What inspires us? Who inspires us? Where do we find inspiration? We all find inspiration in someone or something profoundly meaningful, and it inspires us to achieve or aspire to accomplish amazing feats. Inspiration allows hope to transpire; it allows individuals the motivation and encouragement to succeed and work towards attainable goals. As we journey in life, we cross paths with many individuals who inspire us to be better, do better, or accomplish the impossible.  You never know the impact inspiration brings to you unless you experience it yourself. Children have an amazing ability to be truly honest, and they can inspire us as well. We have learned  throughout history that great men and women achieved the impossible in their respective fields of expertise. Many like Gandhi teaching peace and civility,  to Abraham Lincoln teaching us leadership. From Nelson Mandela teaching us forgiveness, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. teaching us the right to equality for all. They have inspired us to break through the barriers that limit us from doing right by others. We remain hopeful because these individuals have graced us with their presence over the years. The resilience of a child can teach us true strength, and a determination to overcome obstacles and challenges that we may face in life.

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Unexpected Events

Unexpected life events can impact your life at any time; it could be a job loss, the death of a loved one, an accident, or even the onset of illness. Various types of events can derail your journey in life, especially natural disasters that clearly show us how disruptive life can get. How we cope with all these unexpected life events will determine the outcome that we hope for. I was hospitalized; I was so sick that I had a high fever, nausea, chills, convulsions, and uncontrollable bladder. My dad took me to the ER, where lab tests were done and the doctors informed me I had an infection. Consequently, I was admitted to the hospital,  where 24 hours later the infectious disease doctors informed me that I had a bacterial infection called Bacteremia.  The doctors put me on a cocktail of antibiotics to treat the infection aggressively. After 10 days of intensive antibiotics treatment, my body weakened so much it caused Debility; doctors transferred me to the rehabilitation section of the hospital to help me gain strength from my overall weakness. 

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We live in a world where a perfect physical appearance is a depiction of acceptable standards of beauty. Looks matter more than character and inner beauty, and the media showcases acceptable appearances that society should follow. I do believe that appropriate acceptable appearances do matter, especially for work, school, and special occasions. These days society has taken extreme measures to look a certain way, to live beyond their means, and display pseudo behaviors only to pretend. There are even those who go into debt to fulfill a certain lifestyle, or simply live a life under a false persona. While in the real world, the reality is far from that, people are living in poverty, trying their best every day to fulfill their basic needs. There are parts of our world where appearances are not a priority since most people can not live a lifestyle that some parts of today's society are accustomed to. Of course, they wish for a better life; understandably, life is not fair. Yet somehow, they are happy and content with their lives. When compared to those who have everything in life, they are still happy or satisfied with what they have. Unhappiness that is brought about by living above your means and causes more harm than just living a simple lifestyle. Stressing about how you look? What clothing do you wear? What car you should drive? And how big my house should be? Causes more harm to your well-being and overall sanity than anything else, when compared to those who are just happy with what they have and how they live.

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Reflection on Memories

When you take the time to reflect and evaluate your memories, it enables you to develop a better understanding and appreciation for what you have learned. Memories span across time. Cherished memories are found in spontaneous laughter, adventures, and when precious time is spent with those you love. We all have beautiful precious memories that we cherish. When we reminisce, our hearts are full of joy from the moments of love, celebration, and happiness. Memories take us back in time, providing moments of reflection and wonderment. It can be traumatizing for some people who have memories filled with unhappiness. Everyone may not experience cherished memories, some people may have experienced abuse, obstacles, challenges, and hardships that some of us may not even understand or relate to. Memories allow us to reflect on our past, and look back on our individual histories.  Regardless of our memories, they are just a moment in time. We don't have to drown ourselves in bad memories nor should we forget them all together. A reflection of our past is an opportunity to evaluate the experience and decide on what we want for the future.

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